Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Steph is continuing to get better. We did some more walking and one of the times she did 3 laps around the nurses station. She will walk until she gets to dizzy and feels sick. Dr. Shelton told us to make sure she doesn't get so dizzy that she throws up. That is how we know she was working too hard.
After her walks she gets really tired and sleeps for a few hours. When she is awake she can talk like normal and we have had some long conversations.She is getting more of an appetite back. A lot more means about a half a cup of non chewing foods like mashed potatoes, turkey that I cut into really small pieces, apple sauce,smoothies, and chicken broth with saltines in it. She said she can only chew with her front teeth because it hurts to move her jaw to line up her molars. She can only open her mouth about a quarter inch for me to spoon food in. She does pretty good with a straw.
They have switched her to pill meds now. She hasn't thrown anything up since yesterday morning. That really helps. She hasn't had to take any of the anti nausea meds but the pain meds still make her pretty tired.
We are still in NCCU because of the bed situation. The nurses love having Steph here because she is so easy compared to their regular stroke patients. I heard the nurses talking outside the door today and Steph's nurse was saying how she felt bad for the other nurse because she had one fairly easy guy and "this angel" and pointed to Steph.
I got a chance to run home and see the kids and shower while Steph's mom came and visited. When I was about to leave and come back to the hospital the Mimaids from the ward came by to drop off some cookies. Score! thanks ladies!
After I got back to the hospital Steph was thinking she was ready for bed for the night. I had her walk around the nurses station one more time and she got nauseous after one lap. We got some chicken broth with saltines and that calmed her stomach down. She has really improved today. It's so good to see such improvement.
Here is a pic of her from this morning.


  1. Dear Stephanie and Nick,
    What an amazing team you make. Our prayers have been for you , Stephanie, and your family since we heard you were going through this. Sounds like you have the best care from your sweet husband. Milk it!! Thanks for sharing with us your progress.
    Love, Bruce and Denise Redd

  2. Steph: you are such a trooper! I don't know many people who could deal with this hard of a trial as well as it sounds like you are. You are still in every one of my prayers!
    Nick: sounds like you are doing an amazing job as a 'male nurse'. when you come back to work we'll have a nurse in training band-aid waiting for you...
