Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday Morning

Steph was feeling well enough that we had her go potty and got her to walk around the hall. One of the nurses saw her walking and got excited and offered her a shower. Steph said that would be nice. She just had to walk down the hall to the bathroom. Steph walked while I held her left arm and she pushed/held on to her IV stand with her right hand. The nurses pulled all of the sticky pads off and covered the two incisions and the IVs in her arms. There was a bench that Steph sat on and she used the wand. She did the shower by herself and then after drying her off we made our was back to the room. The nurse asked if she wanted to sit in the chair or lay in bed. Steph choose the bed pretty quickly. She is getting a little more of an appetite and ate almost all her small applesauce cup and had some sips of sprite.
The head nurse was called out on an emergency while she was getting Steph hooked back up. Someone had a stroke I think. I got to help the other nurse hook steph back up to all her monitors and gauze her stomach wound. I should get some kind of a little badge like how they used to give kids a wing pin on airplanes. I would be happy with a bandaid that says "Nurse in training" written in pen or maybe "PHD in bandaids."
I read her some of the blog posts and facebook messages and she fell asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go steph! U r doing amazing! U r such an amazing example, keep up the great work. You'll b back home & as good as new b4 u know it :)
