Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday, week 2

Monday has gone alot better than last monday! Steph has been getting more of an appetite. She still doesn't eat very much but she has an appetite now. She even had me take her to arctic circle for a reeses pb cup shake and then to subway for a cold cut trio. She hasn't had as much nausea today as the past week. She has wanted to get up more and get around so it will help her brain figure things out quicker. We went for a little walk on the sidewalk just in front of the house. We went back and for and that was long enough but Steph said it seems to help to breathe the cold air. She sleeps for a few hours after we do the walks. It really takes it out of her.
We also have the kids home tonight for the first time. They have been having sleepovers at grandmas house after dinner the past few nights. Steph loves having them around.. She has even been reading books to them.
I'm not going to get too excited because it reminds me of how she was doing so well on Wednesday last week and then Thursday was the worst day for her. I'm crossing my fingers it doesn't go backwards tomorrow.
The bad news is that Steph has had a sore throat that keeps getting worse over the last few days. It kind of looks like she might be getting strep throat. We messaged her doctor to see if maybe its just from the breathing tube they use during surgery but I don't think it is. Guess we will find out when we go to the doctor's office tomorrow.


  1. Hi Stephanie! I've been reading your blog to keep up with your progress & wanted to let you know we think of you & pray for you & your family every day. I was so excited to read that first day about your smile & that they got 100% of the tumor! I'm so sorry to hear about all the nausea and vomiting...that's the worst. Today I learned we have the same favorite shake at Arctic Circle, so I will be bringing you one soon! Do you like it with chocolate or vanilla ice cream? I usually get mine with chocolate so it's as bad as possible for me :) One more thing, keep us in mind for giving Callie a ride home from student council on Wednesdays...with this cold weather, I'm always there picking up Spencer, it would be really easy for us to bring her home to you! Best wishes and take good care!

  2. Hi Stephanie,

    What an amazing story! Very impressed with your outlook and strength.

    Also wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing what your experience was with Dr. Reichman....a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with AN here in Utah.

    1. hi Kate, I loved Dr Mark Reichman. he had a very similar surgery and has dealt with all the side effects, it is nice to work with somebody who knows exactly what you're going through. I would absolutely recommend him to anybody dealing with a AN. just make sure it's dr. Mark Reichman he has a brother who does surgery out of Provo and I can't vouch for him. I would love to answer any other questions your friend has just let me know :)

    2. He also has patients that fly in from all over the country to have him do surgery on their ANs

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