Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday morning week 2

Steph has been doing well the past few days. Tuesday we went to the doctor and she said it looks like the redness in her throat is just from the breathing tube they use during surgery. So no Strep, which was great news. Steph came in to the pharmacy with me to pick up some other stuff. Afterwards she slept for a few hours. When she does a lot of work it seems to wipe her out and make her head hurt. She didn't get up much on Wednesday because she was not feeling up to it, probably because of all the walking we did at the Doctor's office and pharmacy and the driving around the day before. She started feeling better Wed. night and ate a pretty good dinner. She was feeling well enough that she skipped her pain meds that were scheduled for the middle of the night and early morning.

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