Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Monday, January 14, 2013

She's Out!

We made it a little early this morning at 5:15. Steph's parents came up to the hospital with us and her awesome brother and sister in law came over at 4:30AM to watch the kids. After signing in I realized I didn't know where I put Steph's Drivers License. She was told it was required for check in. I finally found it outside her car door. I dropped it while helping her out of the car.
Surgery started at about 8:30 and lasted what felt like all day but was actually about 5 1/2 hours.We waited in the surgery waiting room with a bunch of other nervous nellies until we got a call at 1:30 that she was done. We made our way to the second waiting room for the Neurology department and waited another little while so they could get her set up in her room. The Nuerologist Dr Reichman came in to tell us how well it went. He said it was not cancerous and they removed 100% of the tumor. He said that after they were done and she was waking up she gave them a smile so we know her facial nerves are ok. There still could be some swelling with the nerve and that would make her loose the ability to control the right side of her face but if that happens it will be back to normal within 12 months. After that we were allowed to see her. The overwhelming feeling of hopelessness rushed over me as I saw her laying in bed semi unconscious. I thought I had come to grips with the fact that I could really only be a sidekick and cheerleader. But I really felt like I had no idea how I could help take this pain away from her. In between very short periods of sleep she was mumbling that she was feeling sick and that her head was really hurting. The Nurse was hesitant to give her any medicine until she was a little more awake. "If she can sleep then her pain level isn't high enough for morphine." It took her another 30 minutes and she was awake enough to get some medicine. She got a little frustrated that it was taking so long to get the morphine. The Nurse gave her some anti nausea medicine and then her morphine. She started to throw up almost instantly and my dad instincts kicked in. I know what to do! While Steph's mom wiped her chin I held the bag. I'm a hero! Not really but at least I was doing something. Since then Steph has mostly been asleep but she did wake up for a few minutes and chatted about how uncomfortable she was then ate some ice chips and threw them up. Maybe I'm a wuss but I would probably use different words to describe pain from brain surgery.She is sleeping now. The plan is to have her moved from the NCCU to a regular bed tomorrow. She will be on the 14th floor. The best views is what I am told.

Thanks to everyone who has helped, prayed, fasted, or sent well wishes. It really means a lot to Steph and I.


  1. So glad it sounds like things went as well as they could. You are both in our prayers -- please call if there's anything I can do during the weeks and months ahead, Nick! -- Tomi Hill

  2. Nate and I are so glad everything went well. You and your family have been and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Best wishes - Brooklynn
