Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Steph had a pretty good day today. She hasn't thrown up since 10 am. She has been very nauseous at times but she never throws up. She has had a few small bites of jello and some sips of apple juice for lunch. She also ate a few bites of pudding and drank a little sprite tonight. She can't open her mouth very far or bite her back teeth together to chew because it hurts the incision. So I have been feeding her very small bites off a spoon and she drinks through a straw.
Her legs and back have also been pretty sore so I will rub them gently to help but it makes her head hurt. I think the movement it causes her head is causing the problems. She said it helps to have them rubbed though.
The nurses came in today and gave her a quick bath and changed her sheets. When they did that they had Steph sit up on the edge of the bed. She was getting sick but handling it pretty well so they wanted to see if she could make it a few steps to the chair. She shuffled a few steps to the chair and sat down. She said it made her a little dizzy/nauseous but it felt good to be sitting up instead of laying down.
I had her sit up a few other times today but never walked her. She would sit for a few minutes and then start to feel sick so she would lay back down. I have also been trying to have her open her eyes while laying in bed. I will have her focus on me standing at the end of her bed while I talk to her and ask her questions. Even though it isn't walking I figure that it still helps her brain figure things out. She is very tired from the anti nausea meds and it is very hard for her to keep her eyes open. She has been talking alot more to day. We have even had some short conversations instead of just a yes or no from her like yesterday.
Dr Shelton came in tonight and apologized that we weren't moved yet. We are still in NCCU because they ran out of beds upstairs. He said he went up there to try to find her one but they really are filled up. He told me to get her out of bed and walking tomorrow even if it is just a short distance. He said to just try to get a little farther each time. He said he doesn't like to order physical therapists when there is family around because that way the patient doesn't just wait around for the PT and only work out when they are there. So the plan is to be pretty busy tomorrow getting Steph out.

1 comment:

  1. Another things that sounds funny, but helps is watching TV. The movement helps a lot. We laughed when we were told that but it really works.
