Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Saturday and Sunday Morning

Steph is excited to be home. Her mom has been taking the kids for sleepovers at night but they come by for visits during the day. Steph is so happy to see them and she visits as much as she can but she gets so dizzy with her eyes open that it makes it hard.
She has been fighting headaches and nausea since coming home. One of her pain meds she cant take because it compounds her dizziness pretty heavily. After taking it she said her head just spins and nothing helps. The other makes her jittery and anxious so it is hard to fall asleep when she takes it. She skipped a round of meds at 4 am partly because of feeling ok and partly because it is hard to fall asleep after taking it.
I am trying to have her watch more tv and sit up. It really makes her sick to do so. She is walking a little but mostly just when she has to go the bathroom.
I can't tell if she is feeling less pain or if she is figuring out how to handle the pain because she hates taking taking the meds due to how they make her feel.
She is eating and drinking very little still. The nausea makes it hard to eat very much and she still gets alot of pain just trying to chew.
She seems to be getting a little better each day so hopefully that continues.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about all the nausea! It took a while for Taylor to get over it. It was hard to get him to walk because of it but I pushed him a bit to walk and it really helped him overcome the nausea more because it made his brain adjust to everything.

  2. That is good to hear it is normal. I will use your experience to push Steph more!
