Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wed night and Thursday

Steph had a not so good night last night. She was given her pain meds at 2 am and didn't eat anything with them. She felt pretty sick the rest of the night. At around 8 am we went for a walk around the halls and she did really well even though she said she was pretty dizzy. After we got back from our walk, while eating breakfast she got vertigo really badly and had a migraine along with being nauseous. They gave her some nausea meds around 11am and it didn't seem to help. She was really sick. It reminded me of the first day. She was in so much pain and so sick nothing seemed to help. They were giving her pain meds in the pill form on schedule but they weren't even taking the edge off. They gave her morphine at about 12 pm and it didn't really do anything. They gave her some more at 1 pm and still nothing. She ate a little pudding and drank some apple juice and that didn't really calm her stomach. At 2 pm she got some more pain meds and a new kind of anti nausea drug that she hadn't had before. I also gave her a blessing real quick. She didn't want me to take the time to go find someone so I did it alone. Blame it on the meds or the blessing, I like to think it was the blessing, but she was asleep in about 10 minutes. Finally some relief for her. It had been so disheartening to see her be so sick after doing so well yesterday.
The nurse came in a little before 3 and said they had a room for us upstairs. Steph slept most of the time on the ride in the bed up here. She was feeling well enough to scoot from one bed to the new one on her own. She fell right back to sleep after moving.
It is so quite up here. Stephs sister came to visit earlier in the afternoon. She didn't get to talk to Steph very much because she was in too much pain to talk or look at her. But her sister and I talked about how much noise there was in the NCCU (neuroscience critical care unit.) There was a constant beeping noise all day everyday. It must have been some kind of machine making sure someone was alive still. I will have nightmares about that beep. You could tune it out for a while but all of a sudden you would remember how lousy that beeping noise is and then realize you have been listening to it all along. The nurses desk is also right outside the room and there isn't a wall. It is a giant glass door. It hangs from the ceiling and there is a 1 inch gap between the bottom of the door and the floor. It didn't block out the talking very well.
Then new room also has its own bathroom. No more hobo baths for me! Oh and Steph doesn't have to use the toilet in the corner separating it from the room with only a curtain.
I hope there aren't any more episodes like the one she had today when we come home. If there is I would be tempted to take her to the ER. Atleast she is sleeping now. Thank goodness.


  1. Do they have her one just one pain pill? With Taylor they did two and alternated them. They gave him Lortab and then right in between Lortab doses they gave him Tramadol. It worked great. He had some of these episodes as well but the tramadol would help him make it to the next Lortab dose. Its so hard to see them in so much pain. It does get better though! I promise! So happy they moved you to a room upstairs! The noise in the NCCU was the worst! I was happy we only had to be there one night. Keep going Stephanie! You are doing so great!

  2. Oh my gosh!! I had no idea you guys were dealing with this!! I guess I've been a little out of the loop since I've been hanging in primary. All I can say is that I'm so sorry Stephanie is having to go through this and that you guys are in our prayers! Sooo much in our prayers. After reading a couple posts and seeing that you knew beforehand some of the struggles she would face, all I can think is what an amazing example of the phrase "go forward with faith." You guys are amazing. Please give Stephanie our love, and on a side note, no one else in our ward is allowed to get a brain tumor. Now that's taken care of, here's to a speedy recovery! ;)
