Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tuesday Night

Last night went really well. Steph slept off and on until about midnight when the nurse came in to check on her. After the nurse left at about 1 we both fell asleep. Monday night she would call for me when she felt sick or needed something. Last night she didn't call for me at all. She got woken up every 2 hours when the nurse would do her thing and then she would just go back to sleep. After breakfast I asked her if she would sit up on the edge of the bed. She said she would if I would rub her legs after. I had her sit on the edge of the bed and she felt good enough to stand up. She stood by the edge of her bed for a couple of minutes and was getting to sick and had to lay back down. She didn't throw up.
Dr. Mann came in this morning to check on her and he said today he wanted her sitting in a chair if she wasn't actually napping. He also wanted her to walk around in the hall at least 4 times today. He also had the nurse take out the catheter and take out the IV heart rate monitor. They were supposed to be taken out yesterday before we moved to the new room. Since a bed never became available they just left them in and when the nurses changed shifts the new nurse let her keep it in for the night. Steph was happy she didn't have to get up last night to go the bathroom or have the nurse come in every hour to check blood pressure.

1 comment:

  1. So glad last night was better. We love you guys. Keep up the good work Steph.
