Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Getting Ready

Surgery is only a week and a half away.  Yes, I am freaking out a little.  There is so much to do around the house to prepare to be useless for a few weeks.  Me and Nick went skiing to the Canyons yesterday for my first and last time this season.  It was fun, and I hope that my dizziness in the future won't affect me being able to ski fast and through the trees.  It was an awesome day and it mostly kept my mind distracted from my upcoming surgery.  With Christmas over I just have Eliza's birthday party to host this weekend then it's Go time.  Because I will probably loose my sense of taste at least on my right side,  Me and Nick have been going to all my favorite restaurants.  It has been deliciously fun.  We've also been taking a lot of pictures of me, My face will be paralyzed on the right side after the surgery, hopefully the nerve will be able to repair itself but it usually takes close to a year for that to happen.  I told Nick he's not allowed to take pictures of me while my face is not working. Next week I will have my pre-op appointments.  I will go on Monday to meet the Neurologist, Dr. Mark Reichman, Then on Thursday I will have a hearing test (I don't know why since I am going to lose my hearing anyway) and I will meet again with Dr Shelton.  Thanks again for all the support!