Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Monday, March 18, 2013

9 weeks post surgery

I am 9 weeks out and am doing great.  I had my post op appointments with the two surgeons a couple weeks ago.  They said I look great and released me to do anything I want now.  I won't see them again for 5 years when I go back for an MRI to make sure it hasn't grown back.  I have been driving since about 4 weeks post op.  It was difficult at first to turn my head back and forth but I am fine now.   My face is back to normal, I am really excited about that!  I thought it would take a lot longer to heal.  I am still dizzy but I am kind of used to it and don't notice it until I bump into a wall or stumble.  I am planning on hiking over springbreak in two weeks,  I hope it goes okay.  Besides the dizziness I am still dealing with some pain on my incision and it is very itchy,  I still can't sleep on my right side.  The last couple of nights I have slept on it and get woken up with a sharp shooting pain deep in my ear.  My right ear is still numb on the top half.  I am having a hard time with being deaf on the right side, it is so hard to hear what people are saying if there is any other noise in the room.  I get so sick of asking "What?"  I still have ringing in my ear and it will probably never go away, sometimes it gets so loud it's hard to pay attention to anything else.  I also feel extremely scatter brained, I forget things very easily.  I didn't have this problem before, I wonder if it is a side effect from the tumor being stuck on my brain?  Hmmm, I hope it gets better.  I don't have any taste on the right side of my tongue.  At first food tasted bad,  I couldn't taste anything sweet so when I ate sweet things they tasted salty and really gross, eventually I lost all my taste and can't taste anything on that side. I had a very strong metallic taste on my the right side of my tongue it was kind of sour feeling and would get so bad it would wake me up sometimes.  It has mostly gone away now only happening every once in  a while and I found that sucking on a peppermint candy helps.  Food still tastes a little off and not nearly as strong as it should.  I hope my taste will come back.  I am feeling so good although I still get very tired and worn out,  I am hoping to go canyoneering in the next few months.  That is my goal I am working toward,  If I can handle a weekend of canyoneering then I can handle anything!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear Steph! Glad everything is going better for you. You are in my thoughts often:)
