Stephanie's Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm alive!!!

I cannot believe it's been 3 weeks.  I am doing so much better.  Nick went back to work last Monday and my mom spent the days at my house all last week.  I don't have any nausea anymore and I don't have much pain either.  I am still very dizzy but I can tell that it is getting better also.  I feel like my face is also getting better.  My eye doesn't bother me as much or get dried out like it used to.  I used to have a hard time falling asleep because I couldn't keep my eyelid shut, but that doesn't happen anymore.  I can move my nose better and my smile doesn't look quite as crazy as it did for a little while there.  I feel almost like myself again.  I am still not driving mostly because I get so dizzy when I turn my head back and forth.  I also still get very worn out easily.  We had my family over for Claira's birthday party on Sat. night, I was a little nervous at how I would handle all the noise and chaos that comes with having 26 people over 12 of them young kids but I was fine.  I guess the constant noise from my 6 kids has gotten me used to it.  It was fun to have everyone over.  I am always frustrated with my loss of hearing in my right ear.  Everything sounds so different and quiet.  It is very confusing not being able to tell where sound comes from.  I also have ringing in that ear, it drives me nuts sometimes.  My ear is feeling more normal but still at times feels like it's stuffed up. It feels like I have water in it and my voice echos in my head when I talk sometimes.  I am trying to be patient I know eventually I will get used to it.   I am on my own today with the kids and so far it's going just fine.  It feels good to be mom again.  Thank you everyone for all your concern and prayers.  I feel so blessed, this recovery has gone quicker and better than I had prepared myself for.   And thank you to everyone for the meals, yummy treats, sweet cards and messages and for shoveling our snow for us.  Thank you everyone!